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High power consumption (drains battery)

Posted: 02 Nov 2013 10:36
by Ziggie
Automagic is the best automation tool in my experience for Android. BUT: It drains battery power. Before Automagic I have used Setting Profiles. This does even not appear in the list of Apps consuming power. But Automagic always appears in the list with at least 3% consuming energy.

Even when I switch off all trigger-based flows, there is still high energy consumption.

This is the reason why I do not use Automagic anymore. I will stay with Setting Profiles as long this issue is not solved.

Re: High power consumption (drains battery)

Posted: 02 Nov 2013 18:12
by Martin

This should generally not be the case when nothing in Automagic is turned on.
Did you use a widget with auto refresh turned on or did you use the accessibility service?

You can also turn on Debug Log in the preferences of Automagic and see if anything is running in the background.


Re: High power consumption (drains battery)

Posted: 02 Nov 2013 21:58
by Ziggie
Hi Martin,

thanks for the reply. i have made a widget but without automatic refresh enabled. Meanwhile this issue seems to be gone. I will observe the behavior and report if it gets worse.
