How to Call a 3rd Party App's Intent?

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How to Call a 3rd Party App's Intent?

Post by madra » 29 Mar 2019 16:38

I use SMS Backup+ to backup my texts to Google Drive. The app has a setting to do this automatically at a set time every day. But it's been broken for years now, so I'm trying to build an Automagic Flow to do it instead.

According to the SMS Backup+ docs:
3rd party app integration
If you want to trigger backups from another app, enable 3rd party integration in Advanced Settings and send the broadcast intent com.zegoggles.smssync.BACKUP. This will work even when Auto Backup is disabled.
So I've enabled 3rd party integration in SMS Backup+ and created the barebones of a Flow, as follows:


But, whenever I run it, I get the following error:
29.03.2019 16:23:54.011 [Flow3] End executing action 'Start Activity: com.zegoggles.smssync.BACKUP ' and exception No Activity found to handle Intent { act=com.zegoggles.smssync.BACKUP flg=0x10000000 }
So, is there anything else I need to do, in order for Automagic to be able to access this app's intent?

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Re: How to Call a 3rd Party App's Intent?

Post by Desmanto » 30 Mar 2019 01:46

You should use action "Send Broadcast" instead, as pointed out by the dev. There are 3 version of the intent, Activity, service and broadcast. Most devs now move torward the send broadcast method. AFAIK, because it doesn't expose their activity to other app and make it as a standard protocol to communicate to other app.
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