Help with the trigger 'Time Adjusted'

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Help with the trigger 'Time Adjusted'

Post by fractals » 28 Oct 2013 11:40


I'd like to create a flow that would be triggered by change in system time. Obviously, Android automatically changes system time to reflect a change to the Daylight Saving Time or when again entering the Summer Time etc. This also happens when changing time zones.

I also know that Automagic offers the 'Time Adjusted' trigger. My question is:

*does the 'Time Adjusted' trigger fire only when the user changes the time (i.e. manually) or would this trigger also go off when Android itself changes the time automatically (i.e. the above situations, Daylight Saving Time etc?) -- Is the trigger sensitive to change commited by 'user' only or by 'user' and 'OS'?

Thanks a lot for the clarfication!

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Re: Help with the trigger 'Time Adjusted'

Post by Martin » 28 Oct 2013 21:28


The documentation of Android is not very clear in this area. In my tests the trigger Time Adjusted is executed when the system adjusts the time but it is not triggered on a DST change (tested on an S3 and a Galaxy Nexus).


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