Set playback text on media devices

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Set playback text on media devices

Post by bichlepa » 21 May 2016 06:17

When some music plays on Android, which is connected to a Bluetooth device, the media information is shown on some Bluetooth devices. For example in my car I can see the title and the artist of the current track.
Now I have the idea that AutoMagic could set this text and thus it would be possible to show some other information on the display of my car. Such as the remaining time to drive until I reach my goal.
Is this already possible? If not, can you implement this, please?

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Re: Set playback text on media devices

Post by Martin » 21 May 2016 12:52

That's an interesting idea. It will probably have some side effects like always showing a media notification on Android Wear or maybe it will stop media players, but I add it to the todo-list to check if it's technically feasible.
