Action - Set Ringer Mode

The action Set Ringer Mode changes the ringer to either Normal, Silent or Vibrate mode.

Note for Android 5+: The real silent mode has been removed by Google on Android 5. Activating silent mode instead switches the device interruption mode to Priority interruptions only. Please use action Set Interruptions Mode to switch between all three interruption modes.

Note for Android 6+: Google introduced a new mode called Alarms only. Activating silent mode now switches the device interruption/do not disturb mode to Alarms only. Please use action Set Interruptions Mode to switch between all four interruption modes.


  • Turn your phone to vibrate in your office.
  • Turn your phone to normal mode when plugged in to a power adapter.
  • Turn your phone to normal and maximise the ringer volume when you get an SMS containing the text Phone Lost!
Ringer Mode
The ringer mode to set.