Action - Input Speech (Experimental)

The action Input Speech (Experimental) starts the speech recognition of the device and provides the recognized text to the flow in variable value. The speech recognition engine usually requires network access.


  • Control Automagic using spoken commands.
UI Mode
Whether user interface should be shown or the speech recognition should be executed in the background.
An optional title to show in the user interface. This setting might be ignored by the engine. Variables are supported.
Optional the desired language to use in the speech recognition engine. This setting might be ignored by the engine. Variables are supported.
Use Bluetooth headset (Android 3+)
Whether or not a Bluetooth headset is used.
A variable is a container for a value that can be used in many actions and conditions to dynamically define a part of a text.
See action Script for a description.

Supplied Variables
the recognized text
whether the recognition was successful (ok) or not (cancel)