Condition - WiFi Available

The condition WiFi Available checks whether one specific WiFi access point is currently available. The condition waits for the first available scan result when wifi has just been enabled and no scan result is available yet.

Note: Starting with Android 6, scan results are only provided to apps when the location services of the system are enabled.


  • Check if a specific free access point is available and enable this one.
The comma separated list of SSIDs to accept. The condition is true when one of the access points in the list is available. Glob patterns can be used to match multiple SSIDs. Variables are supported.
The variables supplied by the condition relate to the available access point with the highest signal strength.
A variable is a container for a value that can be used in many actions and conditions to dynamically define a part of a text.
See action Script for a description.

Supplied Variables
the list of available access point SSIDs
bssid (only set when the SSID is available)
the BSSID of the available access point
bssids (only set when the SSID is available)
the list of BSSIDs of the available access points
ssid (only set when the SSID is available)
the SSID of the WiFi network
capabilities (only set when the SSID is available)
the capabilities of the WiFi network
frequency (only set when the SSID is available)
the frequency of the WiFi network
level (only set when the SSID is available)
the signal strength level of the WiFi network